Vandal Hub

Vandal Hub is an application that remotely controls devices for the internal environment like an air contidioner and a ventilator. Internal devices operate based on temperature and humidity users set up. Users can check change of temperature and humidity of a farm.
Vandal Hub is an application that remotely controls devices for the internal environment like an air contidioner and a ventilator. Internal devices operate based on temperature and humidity users set up. Users can check change of temperature and humidity of a farm.

Product Overview

Remotely controls devices in the farm

Vandal Hub is an application that remotely controls devices for the internal environment such as air contidioner and a ventilator.
Users far from the farm can easily check the internal environment with one-touch control.

Vandal Hub is an application that remotely controls devices for the internal environment such as an air contidioner and a ventilator.
Users far from the farm can easily check the internal environment with one-touch control.

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Product Usage

Auto control for devices and environment
On the main page of ‘Vandal Hub’ application, you can control devices in the farm automatically. On the operation setting page, you can control temperature and humidity. And on the data view page, you can see data of the temperature and humidity of the farm through graphs.
On the main page of ‘Vandal Hub’ application, you can control devices in the farm automatically. On the operation setting page, you can control temperature and humidity. And on the data view page, you can see data of the temperature and humidity of the farm through graphs.

Product Video

Video about Complex Device Controlling Device

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